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As I come across bugs I hope to assist in squashing them not just reporting them, to assist this I will use a common format to call attention to the bug as I see it and hopefully offer what I believe is the code fix. This is the first I hope to squash of many to help make this great project as solid as it can be. Most of what I have seen so far as bugs are output of additional or unused div tables or styling elements due to function logic not actually needed output.
Request for code change: Function sp_SectionStart
Change reason abstract: Function outputs some code elements that are not used in some circumstances that can confuse some browser rendering engines IE class=' ' when called intentionally with no class. Cleans human readability in source output.
Functionality change: No change in use format
Added Functionality: Ability to call div with ID without class, Debug addition using section name
File location: /forum/content/sp-common-view-functions.php
Previous code:
Line 129 of function:
# output section starting div
if(!empty($rowId)) $rowId=" id='$rowId'";
$out = "<div class='$tagClass$rowClass'$rowId>n";
Replace with code:
Line 129 of function:
# output section starting div
if(!empty($rowId)){ $tagId = " id='$rowId'"; }else{ if(!empty($tagId)){$tagId = " id='$tagId'";} }
if(!empty($tagClass)){ $tagClass = " class='" . $tagClass; if(!empty($rowClass)){ $tagClass = $tagClass . $rowClass; } $tagClass .= "'"; }
$out = "r<div" . $tagId . $tagClass . ">r";
if($dbug){$out .= "<!-- Begin ". $sectionName . " -->r";}
Request for code change: Function sp_SectionEnd
Change reason abstract: Function outputs some code elements that are not used in some circumstances that can confuse some browser rendering engines IE Adds divs at end even when no class or id is given. Cleans human readability in source output.
Functionality change: No change in use format
Added Functionality: Debug addition using section name
File location: /forum/content/sp-common-view-functions.php
Previous code:
do_action('sph_BeforeSectionEnd_'.$sectionName, $a);
$out = "<div$tagId$tagClass></div>\n";
$out.= "</div>\n";
$out = apply_filters('sph_SectionEnd', $out, $sectionName, $a);
Replace with code:
do_action('sph_BeforeSectionEnd_'.$sectionName, $a);
# output section end div
if(!empty($tagClass)){$tagClass=" class='$tagClass'";}
if(!empty($tagId)){$tagId=" id='$tagId'";}
if($tagClass||$tagId){$out = "\r<div" . $tagId . $tagClass . "></div>\r";}
if($dbug){$out .= "\r<!-- End ". $sectionName . " -->\r";}
$out.= "</div>\r";
$out = apply_filters('sph_SectionEnd', $out, $sectionName, $a);
ya know... I have written this down at least three times to go back and address those empty divs and keep forgetting...what I get for not opening a ticket... hate to have fix things up for IE but right thing to do...
I am not sure I support adding the debug stuff though... its already very simple to to without any added code...
add_filter('sph_SectionEnd', 'my_debug_function', 10, 3); function my_debug_function($out, $name, $a) { $out .= "\n<!– End ". $name. " –>\n"; return $out; }
and you have same without slowing down core...
will look more closely at your changes and see if we can apply them... thanks!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I have committed a change to svn that should clean up these endless divs...
Boz, please svn up and have a look... thanks!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Heh the IE was meant as In Example, but yeah fixing for IE is a pain too although I wouldnt do it in functions sorry for the confusion.
Mr Papa said
ya know... I have written this down at least three times to go back and address those empty divs and keep forgetting...what I get for not opening a ticket... hate to have fix things up for IE
but right thing to do...
I am not sure I support adding the debug stuff though... its already very simple to to without any added code...
add_filter('sph_SectionEnd', 'my_debug_function', 10, 3); function my_debug_function($out, $name, $a) { $out .= "\n<!– End ". $name. " –>\n"; return $out; }and you have same without slowing down core...
will look more closely at your changes and see if we can apply them... thanks!
no worries. I need to not be so lazy and add stuff to a list I can forget about and open tickets instead! thanks for reminding!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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