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It might depend a little on at which point it is enqueued but the first thing to try would be to wrap that enqueue line of code in this:
if ( sp_is_forumpage() == false ) {
.... do the enqueue here
I assume you will try this on your sandbox system first so it should be safe. It just depends whether SP has had a chance to initialise the info it needs at the point of the enqueue. If not and the above errors then there are other ways we can investigate...
Yellow Swordfish said
...the first thing to try would be to wrap that enqueue line of code in this:
if ( sp_is_forumpage() == false ) {
.... do the enqueue here
Thanks for that, I actually went the dequeue route. I added the following to the theme functions:
/* *** Dequeue modernizr on Forums. *** */ function woomod_dequeue() { if ( is_page( 'forums' ) ) { wp_dequeue_script( 'modernizr' ); } } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'woomod_dequeue', 100 ); /* *** END Dequeue modernizr *** */
Any concerns with this?
So far, it seems to do the trick on our dev site. Modernizr loads on other pages but not on forums/ or PM inbox, Profile, etc. And, the toolset slides up within view, as it should!
It's a Band-Aid, but I guess those are sometimes required when not everybody plays nice together in the sandbox...just need to ensure nothing else has imploded with this theme hack before updating our live site, and putting this topic to rest.
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Sure the method you have used is fine.
I would really like to know the reason for this. Modernizr itself is not the cause. It is either a combination of Modernizr and something else or somewhere in the scripts where a Modernizr function is being used. But that is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack if you don't know the code.
As the guys said - you could probably get away without it although there may be the odd user still using IE6!
Yellow Swordfish said
I would really like to know the reason for this...
Me too, but that haystack is over my head. Happy to help troubleshoot further, with direction.
Just pushed the dequeue live on our main site. So far so good...
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.
okay, let us know how it holds up...
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