Support Forum
Not sure I fully understand the question... The reputation system works the same in all SP themes. By default it uses the series of images you see there (currently showing the zero version - all rectangles empty) which fill as reputation grows. You can change these default images of course in the reputation system options within the admin... Have you looked there at the options available?
@Yellow Swordfish
yes i was looking at the Reputations settings before posting here to see if there was a remedy.
I don't have an issue using reboot, but was just checking.
here is another image on how i started seeing the situation in the Unified theme where the icon does not appear like in using reboot.
guess I dont understand either... in post #1, the reputation icon looks the same in both... in this case, as Andy says, no reputation, so each user gets 10 unfilled or blank squares...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
ooohhh... based on you wording, we both thought you meant the icon displayed for the current user's reputation... you mean the button/link for giving reputation... now see what you were trying to say...
does look like that template tag is missing from unified... we can get it fixed up in next version...
or you can make the change yourself, or if you a running a child theme, you can add it to your spTopicView.php template file...
find this:
sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spCenter', 'user-identities'); sp_PostIndexUserWebsite('', __sp('Visit my website')); sp_PostIndexUserTwitter('', __sp('Follow me on Twitter')); sp_PostIndexUserFacebook('', __sp('Connect with me on Facebook')); sp_PostIndexUserMySpace('', __sp('See MySpace')); sp_PostIndexUserLinkedIn('', __sp('My LinkedIn network')); sp_PostIndexUserYouTube('', __sp('View my YouTube channel')); sp_PostIndexUserGooglePlus('', __sp('Interact with me on Google Plus')); sp_SectionEnd('', 'user-identities');
and after it add:
if (function_exists('sp_PostIndexRepUser')) sp_PostIndexRepUser('tagClass=spCenter', '', __sp('Give/Take Reputation'));
note, in unified, you will have two places to edit.. one for desktop and once for mobile in that same file...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Got It Fixed! Wahoo! Thanks!!
File spTopicView.php line 269-297
{ # Column 1 of the post row # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sp_ColumnStart('tagId=spColTopic1&tagClass=spUserSection spLeft&width=0&height=50px'); sp_PostIndexUserDate('tagClass=spPostUserDate spCenter'); sp_UserAvatar('tagClass=spPostUserAvatar spCenter&context=user', $spThisPostUser); sp_PostIndexUserName('tagClass=spPostUserName spCenter'); sp_PostIndexUserLocation('tagClass=spPostUserLocation spCenter'); sp_PostIndexUserRank('tagClass=spPostUserRank spCenter'); sp_PostIndexUserSpecialRank('tagClass=spPostUserSpecialRank spCenter'); sp_PostIndexUserMemberships('tagClass=spPostUserMemberships spCenter'); if (function_exists('sp_PostIndexUserReputationLevel')) sp_PostIndexUserReputationLevel('tagClass=spPostReputationLevel spCenter'); sp_PostIndexUserPosts('tagClass=spPostUserPosts spCenter', __sp('Forum Posts: %COUNT%')); if (function_exists('sp_PostIndexCubePoints')) sp_PostIndexCubePoints('tagClass=spPostUserCubePoints spCenter', __sp('CubePoints')); if (function_exists('sp_PostIndexMyCred')) sp_PostIndexMyCred('tagClass=spPostUserMyCred spCenter', __sp('MyCred '), __sp('MyCred')); sp_PostIndexUserRegistered('tagClass=spPostUserRegistered spCenter', __sp('Member Since:
%DATE%')); sp_PostIndexUserStatus('tagClass=spCenter spPostUserStatus', __sp('Online'), __sp('Offline')); if (function_exists('sp_PostIndexRepUser')) sp_PostIndexRepUser('tagClass=spCenter', '', __sp('Give/Take Reputation')); sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spCenter', 'user-identities'); sp_PostIndexUserWebsite('', __sp('Visit my website')); sp_PostIndexUserTwitter('', __sp('Follow me on Twitter')); sp_PostIndexUserFacebook('', __sp('Connect with me on Facebook')); sp_PostIndexUserMySpace('', __sp('See MySpace')); sp_PostIndexUserLinkedIn('', __sp('My LinkedIn network')); sp_PostIndexUserYouTube('', __sp('View my YouTube channel')); sp_PostIndexUserGooglePlus('', __sp('Interact with me on Google Plus')); sp_SectionEnd('', 'user-identities'); sp_ColumnEnd();
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