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John Greenewald
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Mar 20, 2015 - 8:56 am

A little off topic, but what are the x2 images? I see them in my error logs, and am confused by them.

I did some tweaks which decreased the load time.

I am curious, can you click around into actual threads (and larger threads) to see the posts? That is now where I see a long wait time, even seeing 30-50secs.

I appreciate your time... 

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
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Mar 20, 2015 - 11:09 am

I will have another look at topics later when I am back at my desk but certainly when I tried several at random this morning I had no problem loading them.

I assume that the x2 images are alternate images for retina displays - so they are twice the pixel count as normal images for standard displays.

When I looked at the source code being loaded on your site I saw a JavaScript library being loaded that pertains to x2 images so I assume that is what is trying to load them. That has to come from a plugin you have active ir maybe your WP theme. And it is rather a waste of http requests and resources.

Here and Now
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Mar 20, 2015 - 4:11 pm

Yellow Swordfish said

The main problem that I saw was that I am receiving long lists of http requests resulting in a 404 due to 'x2' images being looked for when they do not exist...

Just wanted to confirm which site you're referring to here Andy. We once had a Tripawds site logo with x2 in the file name, but I thought I replaced it long ago.

I ask, since on a related note, our error logs have been filled with numerous 404 type entries triggered by SimplePress. For example...

[20-Mar-2015 13:14:10 America/Denver] PHP Warning - getimagesize(/problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/tripawds/public_html<a%20href=) [<a href='function.getimagesize'>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory - file: /simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-filters.php - line: 2069 - function: getimagesize

[20-Mar-2015 13:14:10 America/Denver] PHP Warning - getimagesize(/problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/tripawds/public_html<a%20href=) [<a href='function.getimagesize'>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory - file: /simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-filters.php - line: 2069 - function: getimagesize

I understand this is just a "warning" but we get hundreds of these daily. Any thoughts on how to eliminate them are appreciated.



Sorry, I was on the first page when posting that reply. I see now you were referring to John's site, but still interested in these warnings we have since there are so many.

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Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Mar 20, 2015 - 7:12 pm

@blackvault not sure why the recent posts widget (assume you mean the forum one) would cause any issue...  it does add queries, but not many... and when you have a slow down (very infrequently for me, but there) the queries are the same but an external http request gets stuck...

John Greenewald
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 20, 2015 - 10:04 pm

Thanks for taking a look at it. I am very confused by the issue, and why it is intermittent.

That said, if it's an external http request, why does the PHP process time that I put at the bottom increase. Wouldn't the PHP process time still process fast, but the page would then take a while to load?

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Mar 20, 2015 - 11:58 pm

good question... and may be getting past my expertise...

but php script, ie WP, cannot complete until the page is served...  so, for example, the page head tags are output well before the php scripts complete... and they begin displaying and doing other things...  this is why sometimes js scripts and other processing is moved to the footer...

html is still served from the server so not sure how much that affects the ability of the php script to exit...

and since the number of queries are the same, the php is essentially the same...  might be interesting to see if external http requests (which is what we see with google) from within the php is holding up the widget... 

maybe try turning off avatars from the widget and see if any different...  only mention that because it is an image that must be fetched...  shouldnt be an issue, but kind of grasping at straws....

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 21, 2015 - 3:33 am

While I am still not personally seeing bad load times with your site I am still this morning seeing the 404 errors caused by these x2 image http requests and strongly recommend you turn this off.

I also meant to ask if you are allowing the use of Gravatars and if you are to make sure you install the SP Gravatar Cache plugin as that can make a huge difference to a gravatar heavy page.

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