Simple:Press news
SPF V4.1 Beta 2 Now Available
As previously announced, Simple:Press Forum Version 4.1 has reached Beta status. Thus far, we have had about 500 downloads of the Beta 1 version and things have gone quite well! Today, we have released Beta 2 of 4.1 for testing. This updated beta version does not include any major fixes but does include some minor…
SPF Version 4.1 Beta Now Available
Tonight, after a long development period, SPF has reached another milestone with the Beta 1 release of Version 4.1. This version has been running in Alpha form on our support forum for last couple of months and we feel its ready for a primetime Beta period. V4.1 features a whole slew of new features and…
Upgrading to WP 2.8.1?
If you are planning to upgrade your WordPress site to their shiny new version 2.8.1 then you will require version 4.0.4 of Simple:Press Forum which fully supports the administration and menu changes that have been made. Please visit the download page for all the usual download options including a set of patch files for those…