
SImple:Press Version 5.1.2 Update #3

Yes, that’s right. We have finally decided what to call the next version. It really hinged around timing and content. As we have stated before, we want to shoot for more smaller, manageable updates rather than fewer larger ones. Thus, the next release will indeed be called 5.1.2. That’s a slight misnomer has there are […]

5.1.2 Status Update #2

Well – 5.2 or 5.1.2 still has to be decided! We do know there will be a 2 on the end! Every now and then we get a forum request to support the WordPress CubePoints plugin and back in the alpha days of version 5 James Holding wrote a Simple:Press plugin to do just that. […]

Work Well Underway for V5.2

Or is that version 5.1.2? Actually, we are not sure at this point what the version will be called. In our development environments, its called 5.2.0, but the jury is still out. Why? Well, since the release of 5.0, we want to focus on smaller, more frequent, focused releases instead of very large, complex releases […]

Slipping in a 5.1.1 Update

Following the discovery of one or two annoying little bugs we have decided to release a quick 5.1.1 update which already contains a small handful of items that were originally destined for version 5.2.0. Apart from those pesky bug fixes you will also find a few changes to the search tool – the main one […]

Simple:Press 5.1 Released

As promised Simple:Press version 5.1.0 has been released today and made available for download and for upgrading via the WordPress admin tools. Also released are updates to all of the supplied themes and what feels like most of the plugins! There are the usual long list of minor bug fixes and small enhancements – many […]

Status Update on 5.1 – Themes

If you have been following the status updates these last few weeks you know that there are lots of cool new features that will be coming in version 5.1. If you have not had the chance to read up on these updates you can view them in the latest news list or in the Feature Requests, Ideas […]

5.1 Status Update #5

Well, we are getting close and coming down to the wire on 5.1. The amount of changes has drastically slowed down and we are mainly committing minor fixes and cleaning up a few of the remaining tickets. I think we are down to 3 or 4 tickets remaining and none of those are issues that […]

Status Update on 5.1 #4

The last week, while still mainly dedicated to creating our forthcoming 5.1 release, has also seen us concentrating on a couple of issues of catchup – things that were possible in previous versions but were missed in version 5. The first has revolved around uploading. Those of you who may remember the old File Manager […]

5.1 Update – A Couple of API Changes

Time for another quick 5.1 update. Progress on the version continues nicely. As always, you can view all the 5.1 happenings on our development and bug tracking pages. In this update, I thought I would cover a couple of API changes were are making in 5.1. API’s (Application Programming Interface) are hooks available to Simple:Press […]

Status Update on 5.1 #2

So – as promised – it’s time for another status update on our progress with the 5.1 developments. We listen very carefully to the requests our users make and when features come up again and again we do – whenever possible – attempt to prioritise those to the top of the list. And that is […]