Administration – Tools
The Simple:Press Integration admin section where you can set the integration between Simple:Press Forum and your WordPress blog.
This is where you can manage or set the page that will be used for the Simple:Press Forum plugin and the permalink in addition to managing the integration and theme display options.
This section also contains the the list of your Simple:Press storage locations for items such as plugins, avatars, themes and more. It will display the current settings and if there are any location or write errors found. You can review the list, check for errors or create different storage locations as needed in this section.
The Manage Toolbox section is contains a collection of miscellaneous tools for running your forum.
There are miscellaneous log files contained in this section to check for errors and installation along with the change logs of Simple:Press updates.
This section also contains some general housekeeping tools and data inspection tools.
This is also where you can completely uninstall your Forum, including removing all data in the database.