Support Forum
You need to add your license key to the FORUM->TOOLBOX->LICENSE SCREEN. You can get your license key from your ACCOUNT page on our site.
Thanks. idea why you would be getting that message. However, I reset the download data for that item on our site so please give it another shot.
If that doesn't work you can always download it directly from our site. Just login and then go to the product page for the admin bar - you should see a button allowing you to download it.
I am having this problem again with "subscriptions". I realize I should be able to download and install manually but every time I have to do this, I have to contact my webhost to increase upload limit. I can't leave it high because users are allowed to upload to my site directly. Basically, this is a pain. And as you can see, my licence is current.
I realize I have not paid for support but I did pay simplepress to change my forum over. I have never received the updates normally. I think this maybe your error to fix?
So, the license key is added to the subscriptions plugin on the license page and is activated but you're still getting the message that you cannot update? If so, what happens if you go to the licensing screen and click the CHECK FOR UPDATES NOW button? That should recheck your license key.
Okay, that solved it. Thank you!
The key was entered in the main area / forum. It was not entered in any of the plugin modules. That should be part of your upgrade service or at least, let the customer know this is necessary.
But I'm a satisfied customer. Cutting and pasting now. 🙂
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