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Breadcrumbs link to groups
Christine Baker
NW Arizona - high desert

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Jun 12, 2018 - 9:24 pm

In my forum the breadcrumb links to GROUPS all go to the main forum instead of the group.

I noticed it works fine here, what did I do wrong? Whatever I did was a long time ago.

2018-6-12-breadcrumbs-HDD-forum.pngImage Enlarger

When I click on "Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District" I get to the MAIN forum instead of the group.  Need to send the link to several people and don't even know how to get the group link.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jun 12, 2018 - 10:35 pm

are you sure its a group?  you say it works here, but we dont have groups in our breadcrumbs...  so need to check...

but if you really want groups in the breadcrumbs, you will need to alter the call to the api... see this page for details:

basically need to add the groupLink argument with its url...  as always, that change should be made in your child theme or custom theme in the header template file..

Christine Baker
NW Arizona - high desert

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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 18, 2018 - 2:50 am

I can't believe that those aren't groups here, just forums?

I should have done that, somehow thought there was a purpose for groups.

I found my question here from 5 years ago:

I have no idea what I actually did back then (now I keep notes).  I just recently installed the child theme, I'm so lost.

I'll just go with forums instead of groups.

Christine Baker
NW Arizona - high desert

Silver Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 18, 2018 - 3:40 am

Well, not as easy as I thought.   I can't move the forums outside of a group.  Frustrating ...

I read the old 5 year old topic and lins (except the codex links didn't work) and looked at my spHeadDesktop.php:

sp_BreadCrumbs('tagClass=spLeft spBreadCrumbs&tree=0&icon=&homeIcon=sp_CrumbsHome.png&truncate=35&groupLink=1', __sp('Home'));

The group is in the breadcrumbs, but when I click on it, it loads the main forum page.

Now, copying the group link:

So why won't it go there?



Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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Jun 18, 2018 - 4:14 am

I am somewhat confused as to what you are trying to say here and what it is you want to happen. And partly that is because at the top you said 'I noticed it works fine here' and, as @mr-papa pointed out, we do not show forum groups in our breadcrumbs. So I am a but lost about what 'works' here that you may be confusing with groups.

Also - in your last post you put a link in place to a forum group (Lake Mohave Rancho Fire District - LMRFD) and when I click on that link it just loads that specific group so are you saying that when you try it it does NOT load it?

Could you describe the problem you are having in a little more detail please?

Christine Baker
NW Arizona - high desert

Silver Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 18, 2018 - 4:45 am

I can't believe it, it's Firefox.  That was my problem, not going to the group but just loading the main forum page. From the breadcrumbs or by clicking on the link I posted here. 

Since it works for you, I thought I'd give Chrome a try and it does load the group.

I have so many problems since the last Firefox major update, most of my addons don't work anymore and I just don't like it.

But, many people use it and this is weird.  How can this be?

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 18, 2018 - 4:49 am

try emptying the browser cache in the firefox preferences. I am using Firefox and it is fine although I am using it in a Mac...,

Christine Baker
NW Arizona - high desert

Silver Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 18, 2018 - 7:30 pm

Sigh, earlier I wrote this long post describing everything I've done, including installing Chrome on my backup machine and it would not work on either computer in Firefox and Chrome until I reloaded my forum page -- and then in worked everywhere.  I must have forgotten to submit that post 🙁

So now, a few hours later, once again, it does NOT work.  I'm so frustrated, finally recorded a screencast:

You can see that the links are correct:

In 25 years I've never seen anything like that.

Christine Baker
NW Arizona - high desert

Silver Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 18, 2018 - 7:33 pm

And then I click on the link I just posted in my last comment, and it works!

And the menu link and breadcrumb link work too.

I'm guessing, in a few hours the links will have forgotten where to go again.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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Jun 19, 2018 - 1:12 am

so if something is coming or going, definitely sounds like a caching issue...  you cannot really cache the forum since all its content appear on a single wp page and most caching systems get confused by this...

in fact, when I look at your page source, I see this:

<!-- Page supported by LiteSpeed Cache 2.3 on 2018-06-18 15:10:25 -->

which does seem to also indicate caching is in effect...

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