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Issues with Avada Theme
Clearwater Florida

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 15, 2018 - 1:10 pm

Another sunny day in paradise.. rolleys

Suggested Gary purchase your Reboot theme and SEO plugin to get started.

Might be a good day to dig into my overlay css and change the button colors.. I'm more concerned with SimplePress SEO factor which actually outranks many of my blog posts.

Good Stuff!

  • Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 15, 2018 - 3:35 pm

and... overlays will be downloaded with the theme.

Gary Jones
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 10, 2018 - 3:17 pm

Bought the theme and downloaded. Tried to do the Simple Press install. On activate got an error "there is no valid header". Went back to the plugins page and Simple Press was there so I clicked on "activate". It looked like it ran the full install because it told me it was complete, but when I clicked on the button at the bottom to go to the admin page I got another error saying that I did not have access to that page. 

So far, not so good. 

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 10, 2018 - 3:27 pm

The 'there is no valid header' error is an old WP chestnut. Search and you will find hubndreds oif posts in this. Something like this - - could well be responsible. But whatever the cause - there is nothing wrong with the plugins header.

Your second issue doesn't sound like an error to me. At least that is not an error message. Having installed - do you have a 'Forum' menu in the WP admin side bar? You should see about half a dozen entries. Are they there and do they all deny access?

And if so - then do you have some sort of security plugin that can  deny access to admin pages?

Gary Jones
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2018 - 9:29 am

The first issue just prevented following through with the activation after the installation; however, it looked like it was installed so I clicked on the activate.  It showed a number of status boxes showing what was being installed then when I clicked on the admin button at the bottom all I got was a blank screen and the error message that I was denied access.

The only two menu items were Forum and Install, both of which showed the installation instructions again. I do have Wordfence installed, but it has never prevented any installation before and usually only sends me a message about attempted logins and that didn't happen. 

I deactivated and deleted SimplePress until I know what to do. 

Appreciate any help. 

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2018 - 11:09 am

After it failed to open the admin page with the status message that it was denying access did you refresh the entire WP admin (i.e., select a different option from the WP menu at the side? This would reconstruct the entire menus and we could see if the forum menu had expanded. I am guessing they probably did but you didn't do this. Which would be understandable.

And - what does this message look like? Is it the standard WordPress denied message that displays the cryptic message in a light grey box central and near the top of the screen?

Gary Jones
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2018 - 11:40 am

Yes, that's exactly what I did, several times, but the forum menu remained unchanged and it still showed just install again. 

The original error when I clicked on the admin button at the bottom of the completed installation was just a completely blank page with the message that access was denied. 

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2018 - 3:23 pm

I was trying to ascertain whether this was a WordPress message or was coming from something else.
The WP ones have a blank screen with a light grey background, rounded cornered box middle but nearer the top, with the message in black. Most usually with absolutely no help or assistance as to what it means. Was it like this? Can you give me a screenshot?

Gary Jones
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2018 - 4:57 pm

No. Not really what you are describing. The normal WordPress screen just disappeared, replaced by a totally blank, white screen with the message that access was denied. 

As I mentioned I deactivated and deleted SimplePress until I got some answers. I am happy to give you the site credentials if you want to try installing SimplePress yourself so you can see what happens. 

Let me know how to send you a private reply and I'll send you the credentials. 

Clearwater Florida

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jun 11, 2018 - 6:42 pm

Wordfence is a PITA. If you enabled it's htaccess firewall i bet that's whats blocking your forum. Try deactivating it. The forum page itself should be blank. No meta titles or description. SimplePress generates the meta with it's seo plugin.

  • Doc ~ An old Fidonet SysOp. Just hanging out in cyberspace keeping up with tech.
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