Support Forum
Look at you go!
Lee is not a member of any groups other then Members (has slightly more than 2 posts). I only have one special user group "Private" for the mods and the Admin. Those in the Private group have access to the super secret, bitch about users section.
Sorry I didn't notice the bug back in 4.4.0. I've never enabled the SP profiles or userlists before as I already had a solution coded. Although that will likely change since it will be easier to make seamless with the rest of the site now.
Just keep letting me know how to help. I'm willing to mod files on my end if pointed in the right direction.
Or... a bit later when my day gets more in control I can set up ftp and whatever else needed to get you in my dev server so you can see (and edit) what you're battling. Just let me know if that seems reasonable.
Andy is working the query now... but if Lee is really part of the members usergroup, not sure its the same issue... was thinking the use case was member of no usergroups... but shall see...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
a better answer would have been NO usergroups...
which is what the fix in work is for...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
LOL I could of lied if that would make you happy!
I was browsing the database for clues and comparing the serialized data in wp_sfmembers, column memberships for "Lee" with other regular members (that don't show in the Admin group) and couldn't see any difference at all.
But here's Lee's memberships for the heck of it anyway:
a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:12:"usergroup_id";s:1:"2";s:14:"usergroup_name";s:7:"Members";s:14:"usergroup_desc";s:52:"Default Usergroup for registered users of the forum.";s:14:"usergroup_join";s:1:"0";}}
Hold the bus!
in table wp_sfmemberships, Lee (user_id 40) is listed twice. The first for usergroup_id 2 which is the Members group.
and the very last entry.... usergroup_id 0!
I can't see Lee as Admin anywhere in the SP backend. And I'm certain I've never made Lee Admin because EP Admin is all business and Lee is my personality.
Logging in as Lee I can't do anything special. Not even access to the private forum.
I don't get it. [Image Can Not Be Found]
usergroup id 0?? no such thing... there is no usergroup for admins...
is this in your live database too? could be from long ago when there was usergroups issues... but a id of 0, might cause the same problem...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Lee's not in usergroup 0 in the live database. Nor is anyone else. I also checked another dev server I have and no usergroup 0. I don't know. Both mentioned dev server databases are based off of the live one.
I sort of have a theory though.
My dev servers are clones of the live server. Or started off that way. Even the domains are the same. I can log into the live server, and toggle right into one of the dev servers and my browser doesn't even know the difference. My point is if I was logged into the live server. And logged into another username, then switched users... the live servers cookie will work on my dev servers and I could continue browsing on the dev server as the new username without skipping a beat.
I'm thinking it might of bit me in the butt. I may of left this dev server as one user, and came back another user and I was messing with settings, the data might of gotten corrupt.
Confused yet? LOL
Best I can come up with. Whatever the case, I'm terribly embarrassed and will feel horrible if I discover I've sent you and Andy off on a ghost hunt.
Confused? Totally 🙂
The good news is that your original data is NOT bad so that is something.
But it's not a waste of time - far from it - as it has helped uncover one of those situations that some user somewhere at some time would have discovered and would have had us scratching our heads over for days!