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Admin Queue No Longer Working for Replies
Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 19, 2024 - 10:21 am

Hi Jim!

We just released a new version of AdminBar. Please install and try. This fix is addressing the guest post issues.

And as usual, let us know if you encounter any issues.

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press

Here and Now
Pro Subscribers
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 21, 2024 - 6:30 pm

Joakim (Simple:Press) said

We just released a new version of AdminBar. Please install and try. This fix is addressing the guest post issues. 

Thanks! I've installed the update and will need to wait for another ghost post, or attempt to replicate that again soon...

FYI: We noticed last week that the Admin Queue had stopped working on Mobile. There are no longer any buttons or links to open the postbag on an iPhone. Tapping "New" does nothing. Are there any recent template changes required? This issue coincided with the last update, and nothing else has changed with our forums...

mobile admin qImage Enlarger

TripawdsSimple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.

It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.

The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 27, 2024 - 11:37 pm

Hi Jim!

Great, let us know how it works when you get a new ghost post!

We will have a look at the mobile version. There has been no template changes. But we have done some minor changes in AdminBar but that should only affect the other issues you and I have been working with.

What happens when you click?

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press
Timezone: CET

Here and Now
Pro Subscribers
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 5, 2024 - 12:47 am

Joakim (Simple:Press) said
What happens when you click?

Tapping everywhere around the area circled in red above does absolutely nothing on mobile.

TripawdsSimple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.

It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.

The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 11, 2024 - 4:36 pm

Hi Jim!

We had a look at the templates and it looks like there never have been an option to open the moderation queue on mobile. The button "View New Posts" only shows on desktop in Reboot. We added the button in the mobile view in the Reboot theme in version 2.3.2.

Please install and let us now how that works for you!

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press
Timezone: CET

Here and Now
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 11, 2024 - 10:16 pm

Joakim (Simple:Press) said
it looks like there never have been an option to open the moderation queue on mobile...
We added the button in the mobile view in the Reboot theme in version 2.3.2.

Interesting, we've been using the Admin Queue on mobile for years. It just stopped working in the past couple months. I'll need to review our child theme to check if it's something I added.

Regardless, where can I get the current version of the Reboot parent theme? The update does not appear in our site updates, or the forum Themes options. And I have the unlimited license but get an error when attempting to download here...

Image Enlarger

TripawdsSimple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.

It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.

The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.

Here and Now
Pro Subscribers
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 11, 2024 - 10:19 pm

PS: It appears that our ghost post issue as been resolved!

We recently had two new first post replies that appeared in the Admin Queue. One spam and one legit. And we were were able to moderate these as expected.

Thank you!

TripawdsSimple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.

It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.

The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 15, 2024 - 8:47 am

jim said
PS: It appears that our ghost post issue as been resolved!

We recently had two new first post replies that appeared in the Admin Queue. One spam and one legit. And we were were able to moderate these as expected.

Thank you!

Wonderful! Thanks for hanging in there!

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press
Timezone: CET

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 15, 2024 - 8:49 am

jim said
Interesting, we've been using the Admin Queue on mobile for years. It just stopped working in the past couple months. I'll need to review our child theme to check if it's something I added.

Regardless, where can I get the current version of the Reboot parent theme? The update does not appear in our site updates, or the forum Themes options. And I have the unlimited license but get an error when attempting to download here...

Image Enlarger

Hi again!

Thanks for letting us know. I just sent you an email with a temporary download link so that you can try the theme out. We will look into the downloading issue and get back to you.

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press
Timezone: CET

Here and Now
Pro Subscribers
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 18, 2024 - 1:52 am

Mission Accomplished!

We've got the Admin Queue working on mobile. Thank you for the quick fix.

Update from our SP Admin dashboard still failed, so I manually uploaded the file you sent.

Still unable to download any add-ons or themes here, but there's no urgent need for that.

Thanks again.

TripawdsSimple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.

It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.

The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.

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