Simple:Press news
SPF V4.0 New Feature – Mulitple Admins
A feature we had requested many times will now be included in Simple:Press Forum V4. That feature is multiple admins. Existing SPF allowed any WP admin access to the backend, but the front end was limited to a single admin. Now, in V4, multiple admins can be defined. In addition, those admins do not have…
SPF V4.0 New Feature – Topic Status
One of the new features in our upcoming version 4 of Simple:Press is the ability to define a set of status codes for topics in a forum. The simplest way to think about these topic statuses is in terms of a support forum. If you think of each new topic as a support request, then…
SPF V4.0 and Custom Skins
With the release announcement of the V4 Beta 1 a couple of days ago, we are getting closer to the formal release of this new major version of Simple:Press Forum. We are very excited about some of the new features and all of the bugs that have been squashed. We hope our Users are looking…