
Simple:Press Update 5.5.9 Released

Following the release of WordPress 4.3.0 today we are pleased to make available version 5.5.9 of Simple:Press. If you update your WordPress core then we recommend updating Simple:Press as well. The WordPress update does effect admin panels in particular which are dealt with in the latest SP. Simple:Press 5.5.9 is very much a maintenance and […]

Introducing the Simple:Press Store

Just over 3 years ago – in March 2012 shortly after the launch of Simple:Press version 5.0 – we announced in a blog post (Simple:Press Reloaded) that we were switching to a membership based support model in the hope that in this way we could raise the necessary funds to continue to develop and keep […]

Plugin Updates – July 4, 2015

Today, we have released some updates to a few of our plugins for Simple Press. Subscriptions This release corrects an issue where subscription notification emails can have blank content for posts that needed moderation. Who’s Online This release corrects an issue from a recent update to the plugin that can cause the admin to hang […]

New Plugin For Keywords

Keywords Today, we are happy to announce the release of the new Keywords plugin. This plugin allows your users to ‘watch’ new posts for the use of keywords. Your users can maintain a list of keywords (admin option for number of keywords and keyword minimum length) and then be notified when a new post is […]

Simple:Press Version 5.5.8 Available Now

The eagle-eyed among our users may be a little confused by today’s release of version 5.5.8 as just a couple of weeks ago they may well have updated Simple:Press to what said, on the toolbox, was version 6. So – if you start to think we are running backwards then we confess – the wrong […]

New Plugin For Timezone On Registration

Timezone on Registration Today, we are happy to announce the release of the new Timezone on registration plugin. This simple plugin adds a timezone selection option for users when they register on your site. This allows your users to select their timezone relative to the serve time when they register instead of having to go […]

New Plugin For Slack Integration

Slack Integration Today, we are happy to announce the release of the new Slack Integration plugin. Do you have a team that administers your forum? Do you want to cut down on the email noise you get? Does your team use Slack for collaboration? If so, our new Slack Integration plugin could be for you. […]

New Plugin For Private Posts

Private Posts Today, we are happy to announce the release of the new Private Posts plugin. This plugin will allow users to mark a post as private when posting in a topic. In order to do this, users will have to have permission to ‘create private posts”. After posting a private post, only users with […]

Simple:Press Version 5.5.6 – Released

It is St. George’s day here in England so, for the sake of nothing but a bit of simple pride and my usual habit of wanting an image to more or less match the date, I am flying the English flag. It is also, of course, the day the WordPress team is releasing WP 4.2 […]

Simple:Press Version 5.5.5 – Now Available

Ok – so the solar eclipse – seen here in the UK yesterday – was, well, yesterday. But hey – it was great to see. Almost as good, I jest, as Simple:Press version 5.5.5 released today! As always, the latest release of Simple:Press addresses all currently known issues and a few bugs but also adds […]