
Simple:Press Version 5.5.1 – Optimisations

It might not be the most interesting subject but it is something that effects all of our users – and that is performance and optimisation. The next update – version 5.5.1 – will see us continuing the performance improvements we made in 5.5.0. We have analysed our database tables in some depth, tweaked some indexing […]

Released – Simple:Press Version 5.5.0

As promised and on target – Simple:Press version 5.5.0 has today been released and should be showing up in user’s update panels right about now. Lot’s of good things in 5.5.0, some of which have been discussed here over the past few weeks but the big one for us is, of course, the introduction of […]

Simple:Press Version 5.5 – Performance Improvements

We are getting near the end of development of Simple:Press 5.5 and are deep into the testing phase. If all goes to plan, we hope to release 5.5 the weekend of June 1. One of the things we recently completed on 5.5. was another serious round of database query optimization. With some of the structural […]

Simple:Press Version 5.5 – Child Themes

One of the biggest development efforts in the forthcoming Simple:Press version 5.5 will be child themes. This should usher in an exciting new era of themes for Simple:Press. Currently, we have themes and overlays which can be defined for a theme and allow easy color customization of a theme. However, each theme is completely standalone […]

Simple:Press Version 5.5 – Post Flood Control

There is another new feature coming in Simple:Press 5.5! We are happy to announce the introduction of post flood control! With flood control, you will be able to limit the rate at which posts are made to your forum by any single user (or guest). The flood control time will be an admin option for […]

Simple Press on Twitter and Facebook

We at Simple:Press have been long time users of Twitter for getting our news and updates about Simple:Press. However, recently, particularly during the WP 3.9 development, we slacked off on our use and monitoring of Twitter. We have set out to change that and become more active on Twitter again. You can follow us on […]

Simple:Press Version 5.5 – Innodb Support

We have been intending – for a long time now – to write up more posts discussing the current state of developments for the next version of Simple:Press. And failing to do so! Now we plan to renew the effort but the first update, I am afraid, is a little techie and dry! Although it […]

WordPress 3.9.0 and Simple:Press 5.4.2 Land Together

Well it was a bit of a scramble but we got there pretty quickly I think. We never get any warning when the WordPress team will pull the trigger on a new release and in these cases where we know that Simple:Press needs to be updated immediately afterwards it is easy to be caught off-guard […]

You Can’t Please All Of The People All Of The Time

Since March 10th, 2012, we have been asking for a small membership fee to access our support forums, codex and to download plugins and themes. The reason we implemented this membership model was revealed in a post on that date which you can read here. Was the move successful? Well the good news is we […]

New Plugins for MyCred and Achievements

If all goes to plan, some time over the next week WordPress 3.9 will hit the streets and that means that we will be releasing our own update – 5.4.2 – which will be needed by all of our users updating their WP. We will also – at that time, be releasing a few updated […]