Support Forum
To turn off the nicedate default and turn on date and time you would use these parameters. These are the same as I posted above:
sp_ForumIndexLastPost('tagClass=spInRowPostLink&nicedate=0&date=1&time=1',__sp('Last Post'));
In other words, include any that you want to change the default for.
This is also fairly standard now among WP template tags - this is how theirs work as well.
This is how my current V4.4.5 active forum handles time, it looks good.
This is the new forum which admittedly has a bigger font but I think that it would be fine if it had similar formatting.
Lee (because I am reluctant to ask these very busy people anything else) what would be the best way of having August 8th, 2011 and then 5:58pm on a new line?
Like this.
First Post:
August 8, 2011
5:58 pm
I took a peek. Seems like you showed a pic of your forum view.
In spForumView.php (template) you make a call to sp_TopicIndexFirstPost() to show first poster and details. If you give args for the date and time, the date and time are written as one line. There's no args or filters to change that. You "could" write a filter and do a preg_replace() of the span containing the date and time and convert the '-' minus or hypen to a linebreak (br) to make it two lines.
OR you could copy the sp_TopicIndexFirstPost() and custom name it, and modify the code to suite your needs.
OR you can sweet talk Andy or Steve into making that hypen whatever you want with another arg added to the core.
You would also need to do the same thing for sp_TopicIndexFirstPost()
I was having a little fun. Paste:
function stack_date_time($out){ return preg_replace("/(<span.*[0-9])-([0-9].*<\/span>)/", "$1<br />$2", $out); } add_filter('sph_TopicIndexFirstPost', 'stack_date_time'); add_filter('sph_TopicIndexLastPost', 'stack_date_time');
in your themes spFunctions.php
Basically its a "plugin" that will take that date/time one liner and replace the hyphen with a linebreak. I'm pretty sure it will fail (and do nothing) if you change your forums time/date format in the admin backend.
This works for "Forum View" as you pictured.
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