Support Forum
The prefix 'sph' is our identification for an SP filter or action hook.
The List View is used for a few things: The new post list whether displayed on the front page (Group View) or from any of the post list popups. It is also used for search results. And was actually used in the iForum theme to show the topic list.
The new argument is called "stackdate". The default is 0. If changed to 1 the hypen we talked about earlier will vanish and be replaced with a linebreak (br tag).
Here's a example from earlier with the stackdate arg included:
sp_ForumIndexLastPost('tagClass=spInRowPostLink&nicedate=0&date=1&time=1&stackdate=1',__sp('Last Post'));
Will have a linebreak.
No stackdate arg, or arg of stackdate=0 will result in a hypen and all in one line.
I agree Andy and now I know what list view is 🙂
I have a question, it's to do with these code modifications and my theme but as it is pertinent to the time display I'll put it here.
What is the best way of ensuring that I keep these slight customisations but keep the code up to date? I'm sure that there is probably some way of easily doing this using svn but I don't know how. I suppose what I want to do is check in your files from the default theme into my theme and compare the differences in an editor. There must be some clever and elegant way of doing this I suspect.
Obviously this is absolutely none urgent!